sábado, 13 de diciembre de 2014

The Structure of an Essay. H&M, or how shark defeats human rights.

We don't usually ask to ourselves where do our clothes come from, We just pick up the clothes we want to wear and that's all. Beyond this, we should be aware about what we buy, particularly when it comes from big industries. Most of the times, human rights are templed without any further. H&M, among other companies, has a dark trajectory behind it.

In 2014, three blogers joined on a trip to Camboya to work for a month for H&M, a swedish clothes brand manufacturing clothes.This is because they were taking part in a reality called 'Sweat Shop' . They had to live and work as they do it there, on equal conditions. One of the girls became surprised and desolated after seeing and experienced the cruelty of working like a slave. It is not an isolated matter, due to it is not the first time we hear about similiar news.

Anniken Jorgensen, one of the three blogers, brought to light the conditions of workers in Indonesia, as she was supossed not to say anything about what she saw. Workers are treated as they were little ants wich are not allowed to stop producing, while the queen live a fullfilled lofty life. Human rights dessapear between hours and hours of non-stop working. She reported this situation and nowadays, she still fighting to preserve dignity and worker's rights, at the age of 17.

We have become blind and deaf to this situation. When did we decide stop fighting, not only for our own rights but rights from unknown people? Why are we slept? If we take a quick look into our position, aparently, we don't have to fight too much for our rights because we live in a welfare state 'pretty good'. But, what if we had born in the wrong side of the world? What if we where the ones involved in that disgusting situation? We need to contribute rising our voices at the same time, to make a better and fair world, not only for us but for the rest of citizens.

viernes, 12 de diciembre de 2014

The advantages and disadvantages of having a job while at university

Working while you study at university has its pros and cons. It's important to learn the value of money. The challenge of working while studying, helps you to grow up and take responsabilities in life. It's necessary  to know since you're young the effort needed to get material things. Also, you get the experience in a work enviroment and it could make easier the job hunting after finishing university. Last but not least, it's always appreciated when you start the month with an extra money you have earned by yourself. However, there are some disadvantages of having a job while at university. Sometimes, you have to deal with the stress produced in your job, the fatigue and the routine. If you have to study, there are some days where you can't find spare time to do it or even have a beer among friends. In an exam period, you become a bomb ready to explode, full of nerves, It is easy to waste time doing everything, except study. Finally, if you work while studying you have to find the balance dividing your free time, your work schedules and the time you study in perfect harmony.

Primera práctica evaluable

For most of the people, cinema from Asia is worthless. I have heard too many times that asiatic movies are for weird people who are against American movies. This fact is not true, because you can enjoy both kind of films, the only thing you have to do is open your mind to a different type of cinema. Therefore, you can discover a new world of experiences and stories.Directors from Asia usually speak about revenge in a violent and itelligent way. There is no problem using a huge amount of blood and violence in these movies. Characters, in these films, always look for revenge using all the weapons they have to beat their enemy. Silence is frecuently used by asian directors.Looks are very important in these movies,Sometimes, looks speak more than words. Also, music contributes to give enphasis to the silence parts, when the actors don't speak. There are people that can't handle this genre owing to the fact that the language, when you watch it in original version, is awful and incomprehensible. I love these kind of movies where gore, violence, feelings and action are interwined. This genre is far away from the Hollywood industry. To sum up, I love  Asian films, especially those wich show a different way to tell stories.
Sympathy for Lady Vengeance

He. She.

He.He was a gentleman foretold with cheap poetry for every single situation. He breathed out some dangerous air, as words died in his mouth. He sold the emotion as the one who needs to sell even his own soul. He gave off life and espontaneity. Expressions emerged ,like scars from the past, on his face. She. She, as pure as always. As enthiusastic as a cat stalking his prey before attacking, As a Sunday morning revealing her first little ray of light. She had born in a world where everything was small and senseless. She was out of her place. She and He, like two magnetic poles attracted to a big force field. She and He, as lovers in a rainny night. As drops falling down ready to break on the floor.

Roller skating vs. Running

Roller skating is funnier than running. When you skate you have the sense of freedom that you can't enjoy when you run. Skating is funny due to the fact that is less weary than running. Rythm, in roller skating,is less agressive, and it looks like you enjoy time doing sports in a funny and different way. An important thing is that it is less harmful for your knees  and body. You can practice with your friends and you can talk to them without feeling you were going to become suffocated .However, when you run you have to control some things like breathing, rythm, and also, deal with the fatigue it produces. You start to feel tired before you realize it. It is a fact that it is one of the most practised sport because you burn lots of calories and you get fit quickly. The more you practice running the more you hurt your knees, in the long run. If you practice running with somebody you hardly can talk owing to the fact that you become more and more exhausted. In conclusion, both sports are suitable to become fit, but the experience is completely different.

lunes, 27 de octubre de 2014

Art and dance in Spain

We live in a country where art is undervalued. I have danced for ten years and I have been among artists, dancers, actors and musicians a big part of my life. I understand art as a way of life, a way of feel. Something inside me dies everytime I talk about classical composers, dancers from the past and nowadays, and nobody knows them. It is really sad when lots of spanish artists have to leave their countries to triumph abrod. Maybe is because I am getting old and I realize that nothing have changed since I was eighteen, maybe is because of the new generations still being the same, but it makes me sad. I always put the same example: Angel Corella, one of the most tallented dancers in the world. Don´t you find curious that he is from Spain and, practically, nobody knows him? He left Spain to dance in "The American Ballet Theather" and a few years ago he returned to create his own dance company, but he failed. Spain, its people and its government  is not ready yet to this kind of proyects  We are focussed on sports but nobody talks about theater, dance, opera, etc. Sometimes, I compare the vision that Camilo José Cela had about Spain on his books with this age, even though we are living in the 21st. We should take more interest in something "different" and beautiful such as classical dance, for instance. From my point of view, we have to re-educate ourselves again and notice that art is in every little detail, every little sound, every little step. 

sábado, 18 de octubre de 2014

Cloud Atlas, a fantastic travel across the time.

My teacher Tobias asked me to write about "Cloud Atlas",a science fiction movie. I have seen the film and after that I started to read the book, writen by David Mitchell. I have only read one hundred pages but I consider it is better than the film, as always. The duration is 172 min, directed by Tom TykwerAndy WachowskiLana Wachowski. The film is a about a combination of various stories based on the past, present and future. The stories can look like they are different but they are intertwined. When I began to watch the movie I felt that I was understanding nothing about it, but then I realized what the movie was talking about. So many people could tell the duration of  the film is too long but I don't consider this way. It has the exact minutes to explain with clarity, as sometimes people find this movie difficult to understand. From my point of view, we are faced a piece of the seventh art. In one hand we have such a great interpretations from the actors, like Tom Hanks, Halle Berry,Hugo Weaven, Hugh Grant, Jim Broadbent, Jason Sturgess;owing to the fact the actors play different roles with a marvelous characterization wich makes you dream about another timelines, on the other hand we have a powerful story with an important final meaning. Sometimes I have to deal with coments like: Oh, what a piece of shit you have seen! It is too long and boring, and in these moments the only thing I can think is: He/she didn't  understand and that's why he/she says bullshits about the film. I know it is a movie that generate love or hate, so if you want to have your own opinion about it take a "little" piece of time and enjoy it on you know, Let your minds travel not only by romanticism but time!

Description of someone.

Jose Miguel is one fo my best friends. I have known him since I was fourteen. At first, we hated each other and we couldn't be in the same toom. It was owing the fact we are very similar. He has a very strong personality just like me. One of the things I hated most was he was too tidy and I didn't like it.  I looked how he always put all his things on the desk in a perfect order and it really made me mad. After one year we realized we were not so different and we started to listen each other and, the most important fact, we start to know how we really were. He is a very good person and friend. If he can he always try to help you. He is openminded and extrovert. I really like his sense of humor. He is the kind of person that always makes you laugh. Also, he gives you good advices and listen carefully what you have to say We have had our ups and downs in our relationship and that is why we are till being friends after all those years. We accept each other the way we are and always try to solve the troubles we find on the way. I love him too much and he is a person that I will try not to lose. I hope that friendship last forever.

domingo, 12 de octubre de 2014

My favourite place to go

My favourite place to visit, stay and enjoy is the beach. 
It´s hard to choose only one place when you love travel as much as I love it. I made that decition after being asking to myself a few minutes. I had to choose between the places I like most and the places I really feel comfortable and happy, even in winter. 
That´s why I chose the beach. I can spend several hours reading a good book or just listening some music while I feel the breeze on my face. 
Sometimes I feel the need to be there, looking at the deep sea absorbed in my thoughts and feeling liberated. That´s the moment when I drive my car and in just one hour I can be there again. Lucky me I live near the beach! 
I have always thought that I couldn´t live in a place far from the sea.
This is not a feeling I can describe with words but I´m sure most of you could understand.

sábado, 11 de octubre de 2014

Chocolate cookies recipe.

Hi everyone!
Today I am in the mood for something sweet so I decided to share with all of you my cookies reci
I´ve tried so many recipes and this one is the best one I have found.

The ingredients you will need are the next one:

  1. 110 g of butter
  2. 110 g brown suggar
  3. 100  g withe suggar
  4. 1 egg
  5. 225 g flour
  6. 1/2 spoon of leavening
  7. 175 g chocolate chips
  8. 175 g white chocolate (in case you like that one)
  9. A little spoon of vanilla essence
  10. Cinnamon
  11. Salt
  12. preheat the oven at 180 º

This recipe is delicious and very easy to prepare. First of all we have to adjust the temperature of the butter at room temperature. After that step, we put the egg and the two kind of suggar together and we blend it with the butter untill we got a homogeneous dough. Now we add a pinch of salt, cinnamon and the vanilla essence and we mix it again. Then, we weigh up the flour and put it in with the dough we are preparing, at this point of the process I start to knead using my hands untill the end. Once we have the dough without flour lumps we add the chocolate chips and we still removing untill it is good distributed. Finally we have our dough done! 
The last thing we have to do is prepare the cookies with our hands.
I put some oil on my hands to manipulate better the dough.
We put the cookies into the oven and wait among 15-17 min. At last we already have our delicious and tasty handmade cookies ready to be eaten!

Don´t be im
patient and wait untill the cookies are cold enough!
Bon appetit!

martes, 7 de octubre de 2014

My photography corner.

Hi again!
I am writing with more frequency than I thought at first. This time I would like to show you some of my photography websites.
I finished my classical dance course in the "Conservatorio 
profesional de danza de Murcia" in 2006 and all my life I had been between music, art, dance and theatre.
I started to create images because I had to sto
p dancing because of some health problems. This was the only way to express myself in an artistic way. I couldn´t dance but I discovered my deep love for artistic photography.
I´m not used to taking 
pictures to landscapes or objects but 
persons, feelings, beauty...

I try to create a world where I can put all my feelings mixed with the aesthetic I want to show.
But sto
p talking about me and let´s the pictures talk by themselves.

I wisht you like it!



domingo, 5 de octubre de 2014

Endless road

I like the feeling when you drive all alone and there is only fog on the road.
The feeling of driving across the nothing. The feeling of driving across an endless road.
The blurry street lights through my glasses wich makes me want to listen Johny Cash songs and eat chocolate.

Those kind of days.

Sitges 214

                        This weekend started, in Barcelona, the 47º film festival "Sitges 2014"

Sitges is a film festival where every year are showed films such as auteur cinema, horror movies, films from Europe, etc...
I would like to be there watching the trailers of many movies but I couldn´t travel to Barcelona and assist to the festival this year.
I feel a little bit upset because it is the third year I want to go there.
I have been all the weekend keeping in contact with some friends who are there making critiques and reviews on their blogs and they can only make me jealous.
There you have some interesting trailers and information about everything is happening this weekend  in Sitges, Barcelona.
I hope you all like films as much I like them and enjoy with it.

To end this post I´m going to speak about something completely different .
I still feeling weird writting on this blog but I think I´ll get used to do this.

See you soon :)

martes, 30 de septiembre de 2014

The beginning.

Hi colleagues! I have always tried to put in some order my thoughts using a blog but I never succeed.  I find more interesting to show what my mind has on images, that´s why I am a photographer
I am a good reader but not writer, so this year I´ll try to do my best to write in this blog. 
I don´t usually have much to say on the internet unless we´re talking about movies, art, books, pictures, etc...
I think I will focus this 
personal blog into the place where I will recommend the things I like most about my hobbies, and of course I want all of you can discover new and interesting things.
See you soon :)