sábado, 13 de diciembre de 2014

The Structure of an Essay. H&M, or how shark defeats human rights.

We don't usually ask to ourselves where do our clothes come from, We just pick up the clothes we want to wear and that's all. Beyond this, we should be aware about what we buy, particularly when it comes from big industries. Most of the times, human rights are templed without any further. H&M, among other companies, has a dark trajectory behind it.

In 2014, three blogers joined on a trip to Camboya to work for a month for H&M, a swedish clothes brand manufacturing clothes.This is because they were taking part in a reality called 'Sweat Shop' . They had to live and work as they do it there, on equal conditions. One of the girls became surprised and desolated after seeing and experienced the cruelty of working like a slave. It is not an isolated matter, due to it is not the first time we hear about similiar news.

Anniken Jorgensen, one of the three blogers, brought to light the conditions of workers in Indonesia, as she was supossed not to say anything about what she saw. Workers are treated as they were little ants wich are not allowed to stop producing, while the queen live a fullfilled lofty life. Human rights dessapear between hours and hours of non-stop working. She reported this situation and nowadays, she still fighting to preserve dignity and worker's rights, at the age of 17.

We have become blind and deaf to this situation. When did we decide stop fighting, not only for our own rights but rights from unknown people? Why are we slept? If we take a quick look into our position, aparently, we don't have to fight too much for our rights because we live in a welfare state 'pretty good'. But, what if we had born in the wrong side of the world? What if we where the ones involved in that disgusting situation? We need to contribute rising our voices at the same time, to make a better and fair world, not only for us but for the rest of citizens.

viernes, 12 de diciembre de 2014

The advantages and disadvantages of having a job while at university

Working while you study at university has its pros and cons. It's important to learn the value of money. The challenge of working while studying, helps you to grow up and take responsabilities in life. It's necessary  to know since you're young the effort needed to get material things. Also, you get the experience in a work enviroment and it could make easier the job hunting after finishing university. Last but not least, it's always appreciated when you start the month with an extra money you have earned by yourself. However, there are some disadvantages of having a job while at university. Sometimes, you have to deal with the stress produced in your job, the fatigue and the routine. If you have to study, there are some days where you can't find spare time to do it or even have a beer among friends. In an exam period, you become a bomb ready to explode, full of nerves, It is easy to waste time doing everything, except study. Finally, if you work while studying you have to find the balance dividing your free time, your work schedules and the time you study in perfect harmony.

Primera práctica evaluable

For most of the people, cinema from Asia is worthless. I have heard too many times that asiatic movies are for weird people who are against American movies. This fact is not true, because you can enjoy both kind of films, the only thing you have to do is open your mind to a different type of cinema. Therefore, you can discover a new world of experiences and stories.Directors from Asia usually speak about revenge in a violent and itelligent way. There is no problem using a huge amount of blood and violence in these movies. Characters, in these films, always look for revenge using all the weapons they have to beat their enemy. Silence is frecuently used by asian directors.Looks are very important in these movies,Sometimes, looks speak more than words. Also, music contributes to give enphasis to the silence parts, when the actors don't speak. There are people that can't handle this genre owing to the fact that the language, when you watch it in original version, is awful and incomprehensible. I love these kind of movies where gore, violence, feelings and action are interwined. This genre is far away from the Hollywood industry. To sum up, I love  Asian films, especially those wich show a different way to tell stories.
Sympathy for Lady Vengeance

He. She.

He.He was a gentleman foretold with cheap poetry for every single situation. He breathed out some dangerous air, as words died in his mouth. He sold the emotion as the one who needs to sell even his own soul. He gave off life and espontaneity. Expressions emerged ,like scars from the past, on his face. She. She, as pure as always. As enthiusastic as a cat stalking his prey before attacking, As a Sunday morning revealing her first little ray of light. She had born in a world where everything was small and senseless. She was out of her place. She and He, like two magnetic poles attracted to a big force field. She and He, as lovers in a rainny night. As drops falling down ready to break on the floor.

Roller skating vs. Running

Roller skating is funnier than running. When you skate you have the sense of freedom that you can't enjoy when you run. Skating is funny due to the fact that is less weary than running. Rythm, in roller skating,is less agressive, and it looks like you enjoy time doing sports in a funny and different way. An important thing is that it is less harmful for your knees  and body. You can practice with your friends and you can talk to them without feeling you were going to become suffocated .However, when you run you have to control some things like breathing, rythm, and also, deal with the fatigue it produces. You start to feel tired before you realize it. It is a fact that it is one of the most practised sport because you burn lots of calories and you get fit quickly. The more you practice running the more you hurt your knees, in the long run. If you practice running with somebody you hardly can talk owing to the fact that you become more and more exhausted. In conclusion, both sports are suitable to become fit, but the experience is completely different.