viernes, 12 de diciembre de 2014

Primera práctica evaluable

For most of the people, cinema from Asia is worthless. I have heard too many times that asiatic movies are for weird people who are against American movies. This fact is not true, because you can enjoy both kind of films, the only thing you have to do is open your mind to a different type of cinema. Therefore, you can discover a new world of experiences and stories.Directors from Asia usually speak about revenge in a violent and itelligent way. There is no problem using a huge amount of blood and violence in these movies. Characters, in these films, always look for revenge using all the weapons they have to beat their enemy. Silence is frecuently used by asian directors.Looks are very important in these movies,Sometimes, looks speak more than words. Also, music contributes to give enphasis to the silence parts, when the actors don't speak. There are people that can't handle this genre owing to the fact that the language, when you watch it in original version, is awful and incomprehensible. I love these kind of movies where gore, violence, feelings and action are interwined. This genre is far away from the Hollywood industry. To sum up, I love  Asian films, especially those wich show a different way to tell stories.
Sympathy for Lady Vengeance

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