martes, 7 de octubre de 2014

My photography corner.

Hi again!
I am writing with more frequency than I thought at first. This time I would like to show you some of my photography websites.
I finished my classical dance course in the "Conservatorio 
profesional de danza de Murcia" in 2006 and all my life I had been between music, art, dance and theatre.
I started to create images because I had to sto
p dancing because of some health problems. This was the only way to express myself in an artistic way. I couldn´t dance but I discovered my deep love for artistic photography.
I´m not used to taking 
pictures to landscapes or objects but 
persons, feelings, beauty...

I try to create a world where I can put all my feelings mixed with the aesthetic I want to show.
But sto
p talking about me and let´s the pictures talk by themselves.

I wisht you like it!

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